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What We're Reading: Susto

AFTER POET TOMMY ARCHULETA’S mother died, he found a heavily marked-up homemade book on curanderismo among her things. That mixture of ancestral and herbal lore informs his sensorily elegiac new…

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Old Hat, New Hat

"COWBOYS ALWAYS WORE THEIR HATS out of necessity,” says Barney Coppedge, owner of This Ol’ Hat, in Artesia. “To keep the sun off your face and the rain off your head.” After 28 years spent working as…

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In Relation to All Things

EVERY DAY, I drive the same highway into town. In a small community in the southwest corner of New Mexico, nestled in the foothills of the Gila Wilderness, my commute is a beautiful drive through a…

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Feel the Love at Hi-D-Ho

MIKA MYERS GREW UP PREPARING BURGERS with her grandmother, Patricia Dulany, who owned Alamogordo’s Hi-D-Ho Drive-In from the late 1970s until Myers took over as owner. Myers, who also works as a…

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