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By Hook & By Cook

I AM NOT GOOD AT FLY-FISHING. At first I thought it was a matter of skill; as any angler will tell you (and tell you), a good deal of experience is necessary to master casting the line and determining…

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In Alien Territory

DENNIS BALTHASER SEEMS to appear right out of the wild blue yonder. When I pulled up to our prearranged meeting place, I didn’t notice anyone else in the parking lot. But as I step out of my car and…

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Open Secrets

Artist Randall Davey's murals grace both the exterior and interior of his house in Santa Fe, now home to an Audubon Center and Sanctuary. AN ARTIST'S AERIE After turning from pavement to dirt, Upper…

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New Traditions

Does folk art have to be old-fashioned to be authentic? The International Folk Art Market doesn’t think so. At this year’s event, July 14–16, some traditional art forms go contemporary with the…

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Go. See. Do | July 2017

Brenda Rae stars in the opera Lucia dei Lammermoor, one of the operas scheduled at Santa Fe Opera this season. Photography Courtesy Santa Fe Opera. BIG BANGS Independence Day weekend inspires…

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