"¡MIRA! LOOK!” reads a sign on an adobe wall, directing folks down the path to Luna and Luz, an Albuquerque boutique that carries handmade goods and other treasures from nearly 200 New Mexican makers.
Founded by Tess Coats, the shop is a feast for the eyes, with textiles, cocktail kits, vintage and modern clothing, jewelry, and ceramics on every surface, tucked in a quintessentially New Mexican building in Old Town. Crowned with wooden vigas, quirky (not at all square) corners, and a crackling fireplace decorated with adornments by Las Cruces–based artist Chelsea Spicer, the space fits the overall Luna and Luz vibe.
Formerly housed in an upstairs space on Plaza Don Luis, Luna and Luz relocated and reopened over four days in October. “It was comical to see us carting stuff across the plaza,” Coats says, laughing.
On a November afternoon, a family three generations strong wanders in, and each walks out with something that makes their heart happy.
“What I find a lot of the time is when people stumble upon the shop, they say, ‘This is what I have been looking for,’ ” says Coats, who hand-selects what she calls “Modern West goods” from artists and makers such as Jennifer Lee, Found Artifacts, and Power & Light Press. “It’s rooted in tradition, in those items that are iconic to New Mexico, but then it’s a little different.”
Coats, unpacking handmade Christmas ornaments while we chat, constantly adds new merchandise. “It’s my life’s duty to look for what is next in New Mexico,” she says.
Shop Luna and Luz in Albuquerque’s Old Town at 400 San Felipe, Suite 8, and online at lunaandluz.com.