Above: Selections from Chris Casey's ceramics catalog. Photograph by Inga Hendrickson.

From Albuquerque, Chris Casey creates both whimsical and precise designs in his ceramics, no two of which are the same. Build your collection, with prices ranging from $65 to $400, at hechoamano.org.

Chris Casey Ceramics Full

  • Lock, 2019 $400.00
  • Blocks, 2019 $350.00
  • Skyfall, $300.00
  • Piñon, $350.00
  • Bowl (Blue/Purple) No Longer Available
    Similar Item: Bowl (Yellow/Orange), $150.00
  • Cup (Blue/Pink) No Longer Available
    Similar Item: Cup (Red/lines), $80.00

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Hecho a Mano
830 Canyon Road
Santa Fe, NM 87501