Send your “Missing” anecdotes to or Fifty, New Mexico Magazine, 495 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501. Include your name, hometown, and state. Thanks!
Susan Higbie, of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, did an Internet search for “The Shop—A Christmas Store in Santa Fe” via Yahoo. She received the following reply: “We did not find results for in Santa Fe, NM. Yahoo Local caters to locations only in the United States of America (USA).” Higbie quipped, “I was rather astonished. When I finally found their number, the Shop was surprised, too!”
Lynn Clarke recently struck up a conversation with the couple behind her while waiting in a long Houston airport security line. “They told me they were from Pittsburgh and asked me where I lived.” She replied that she lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They looked at her blankly. “I’ve only ever been to Cancún,” the wife said. Clarke explained this was New Mexico, the state, but alas, no a-ha moment occurred. “I went on to explain that New Mexico was the state between Texas and Arizona,” she wrote, “but I’m not sure they ever understood me.”
Ken Lundy recently took a cruise in the company of many British and Australian passengers. When he told people that he was from New Mexico, “I encountered reactions like, ‘Aren’t you afraid of living next to drug lords?’”
He attempted to explain that New Mexico was in the United States, and was not run by drug lords. Nine times out of ten, their next question was “Oh, how close are you to Mexico City?” Perhaps he should have replied, “How close are you to New London?”
On a recent trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico, for an academic conference, Patricia Trujillo’s waiter overheard her speaking Spanish and asked, “¿De dónde tú eres?” (Where are you from?) She answered, “De Nuevomexico.” (From New Mexico.) “¿De Mexico?” he replied. “No, Nuevomexico,” she emphasized. “¿Hay un nuevo Mexico?” (There’s a new Mexico?) “Sí.” “¿Verdad? ¡¿Un nuevo Mexico?!” he said with an air of disbelief. “Claro,” she said. As he walked away to get the drinks, she heard him say to another waiter, “¡Un nuevo Mexico, imaginaté!” (A new Mexico, imagine that!)