Illustration by Chris Philpot. 


Both BRUCE MORRISON of Elephant Butte and CATHARINE STRINGFELLOW of Rio Rancho wrote to apprise us of a web article making the rounds titled “The Best Lake Towns in Every State.” Coming in at No. 31 is “New Mexico: Santa Rosa.” Sounds about right, yes? No. Read on. “Santa Rosa, nicknamed the City of Natural Lakes,” it begins, “is literally an oasis in the Texan desert.” Uh, we do not think “literally” means what the article writer thinks it means—but we do love a nice swim in the Blue Hole!


The town of Alamogordo is around 60 miles from Texas and more than 90 miles from the border town of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. So resident ANDREW BAKER is wondering why, several times this year and previously, when he’s tried to call people both locally and out of state, he’s received a notice on his phone that international rates may apply. One question: Is this error worth getting on the line with the service provider—and can he even reach them?


Last summer, DAVID LOWDEN toured the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas. While perusing the section devoted to Western art, he had a “Missing” moment. On a museum panel showing the provenance of each artist’s works, a map meant to identify Taos Society of Artists member Ernest Martin Hennings’s adopted home relocates the town elsewhere. “It seems that Taos has decided to up and move to Arizona!” Lowden cracks. He hopes the museum has spotted the error and corrected it by now. Hey, tell them before you tell us!

Read more: Check out our archive of "missing" moments.

have a “missing” moment?

Send it to, or Fifty, New Mexico Magazine, 495 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501. Include your name, hometown, and state. ¡Gracias!