Above: The various botanical offerings from Optunia Cafe. Photograph by John McCauley.

1. Begonia, Kimmy Rohrs/Whiskey and Clay Pottery ($52).
2. Senecio rowleyanus, Kimmy Rohrs/Whiskey and Clay Pottery ($73).
3. Hand-blown glass, Patrick Morrissey ($85).
4. Sanviereria “bird’s nest” ($30).
5. Mini Zen bowls ($27).

Plants at Opuntia Cafe Shopping List

6. Hoya carnosa, Kimmy Rohrs/Whiskey and Clay Pottery ($53).
7. Air plant, Zen bowl, Kimmy Rohrs/Whiskey and Clay Pottery ($35).
8. Hoya curtisii ($78).
9. Aloe “Carmine”/echeveria, Kimmy Rohrs/Whiskey and Clay Pottery ($76).
10. Paddle plant ($35).

Story Sidebar

Opuntia Cafe
1862 Cerrillos Road,
Santa Fe