Above: Quw'utsun' Made. Photograph by Inga Hendrickson.

A descendant of the Quw’utsun’/Cowichan tribe of Vancouver Island and a keeper of their ways, Arianna Johnny-Wadsworth founded Quw’utsun’ Made with the ancestral knowledge of native plant species from the Northwest Coast. Now located among the dryland flora of Albuquerque, Johnny-Wadsworth continues to craft fragrances, salves, soaps, candles, masks, tattoo aftercare kits, and balms that will elevate you and your self-care game to the next level.

Quw’utsun’ Made

1. Devil’s Club Lotion, 2.5 ounces ($15).
2. Devil’s Club Salve, 1 ounce ($20).
3. Salish Forest Oil for Hair and Body, 2 ounces ($30).
4. Vegan Orange Lip Balm ($7).
5. Infused Oil Roll On ($15 each).
6. Rosewater Nettle Mist, 2.5 ounces ($20).

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Quw’utsun’ Made
@quwutsunmade on Instagram

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