Song Dog in the Snow, Pam Dorner (above)

“I took my youngest dog Blue (a Labrador Retriever mix) on a hike in the bosque near my home in Rio Rancho, before an early October snowstorm. The snow started to get heavier and the visibility tougher, so I decided to head back home. On the way, Blue got very excited and started pulling on his leash. I knew a coyote must be near, but I looked around and didn’t see any movement. We kept going with my overly excited lab on heightened alert. We came over a hill when Blue pulled me off the trail. I got a firm hold of his leash and looked around to see this beautiful song dog sitting in the snow behind us. This coyote was very quiet and calm. If it wasn't for understanding my dog’s behavior, I may have missed seeing this beautiful animal entirely in the blowing snow. I quickly got my camera out and fired off a few photos before the coyote happily headed on his/her way." —Pam Dorner

Dustin Huntington, Rufous Hummingbird2ND PLACE

Rufous Hummingbird, Dustin Huntington

“The Rufous hummingbirds migrate north in the spring along the Pacific Coast and spread out across Canada to breed. But once the late summer comes, they migrate directly south and hummingbird feeders across New Mexico are suddenly taken over by the beautiful, but pugnacious, little orange birds. This bird was sitting in a tree guarding 'his' nearby feeder from all competition. While common in the fall, photographing the iridescent orange throat feathers can be difficult since their color is structural and dependent on the angle of the light and camera.” —Dustin Huntington

Ready or Not Here I Come,  Ben Stanford3RD PLACE

Ready or Not Here I Come, Ben Stanford

“This photo was taken in the Lincoln National Forest, near Ruidoso, New Mexico. I had been following this elk herd since morning, but could never get an action shot with good lighting. Persistence paid off late that afternoon when I captured this shot, which shows the bull elk coming over the ridge in full and hot pursuit of two young calves." —Ben Stanford

Saw Whet Owl,  Dustin HuntingtonHONORABLE MENTION

Saw Whet Owl, Dustin Huntington

“This northern saw whet owl was being rehabilitated by the Hawks Aloft organization, which does an outstanding job at caring for injured hawks and owls. As part of their outreach effort, they occasionally let photographers take photos of some of their birds. This little owl was just getting up for the evening and occasionally quickly blinked his eyes showing the amazing lacy feathers on his eyelids. While he looks sweet, coy and less than 3 ounces, a mouse would find him a fierce predator. The name comes from their call that sounds like a saw being sharpened on a whetstone.”—Dustin Huntington

Bighorn Gazing  off into the Sunset,  Elijah RaelHONORABLE MENTION

Bighorn Gazing off into the Sunset, Elijah Rael

“This photo was taken near the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, in Taos, with a Canon EOS R 70 to 200 mm III with 2x extender.”—Elijah Rael


For the sixth consecutive year, Tularosa Basin Gallery of Photography, in Carrizozo, will host an exhibit featuring the winners. Although opening weekend festivities have been cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns, the exhibit will be on display and images available for purchase beginning January 28 on Fridays 10 to 5, Saturdays 10 to 5, and Sundays noon to 5.

See all the winners of the 21st Annual New Mexico Magazine Photos of the Year.