Sunset at Bernardo, (above), Aaron Lewis

"Spring is almost here and the sandhill cranes are on their journey north."–Aaron Lewis

Misty Morning on the Pond, Steven Yabek


Misty Morning on the Pond, Steven Yabek

"Migratory sandhill cranes on the pond at the Ladd S. Gordon Waterfowl Complex in Bernardo, New Mexico."–Steven Yabek

White-Lined Sphinx Moth, Dustin Huntington


White-Lined Sphinx Moth, Dustin Huntington

“I have a pollinator garden planted with various flowers selected to attract bees, wasps, butterflies, moths, and other pollinators. The white-lined sphinx moth is often called a ‘hummingbird moth’ since their rapid, hovering flight and general size resembles a hummingbird. When feeding, they are often easy to approach for photography, but their rapid flight can make them a tricky subject. ” —Dustin Huntington

Eyes on You, Shawn E. Thomas


Eyes on You, Shawn E. Thomas

"I took this image of a wild frog in a small stream at the Botanical Gardens in Albuquerque, NM. Frogs are often reclusive in nature and rely heavily on camouflage for survival. Spotting them and getting close in the open is not always an easy task because they are skittish and spook easily. This little guy allowed me to get fairly close and at water level for this shot before he darted to safety. I was grateful for his patience." —Shawn E. Thomas

Golden Hour, Pam Dorner


Golden Hour, Pam Dorner

"Many people know Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge for sandhill cranes, snow geese, eagles and beautiful landscapes. The refuge also has many amazing smaller birds that call the refuge home such as the American kestrel. The American kestrel is the smallest falcon in North America. Many times it will hunt by sitting on a perch and scanning the ground for prey. What caught my eye was the way the fall leaves in the background formed a golden bokeh around this colorful raptor." —Pam Dorner

Read more: From a late-afternoon storm drifting over the Valles Caldera National Preserve to a boy on his lowrider bike, these images reflect the beauty, complexity, and enchantment all around us.