Visit: To fully experience New Mexico wine, “you should visit the winery, learn where the grapes come from and how the wine is made, and then taste it,” says Milagro Vineyards owner Rick Hobson. Look for friendly winemakers who take time to help you simplify the wine selecting process.

Sample: New Mexico’s variety of grapes and winemaking styles can be fun to explore. “Think about the uniqueness of growing grapes in the varied regions of this high-desert state, where temperatures can range from over 100 degrees in the summer to below freezing in the winter,” says Barbara Jaramillo of Jaramillo Vineyards.

Enjoy: Feel good about what tastes good to you. “If I gave you three plates of chocolate chip cookies and asked you to pick a favorite, you wouldn’t hesitate,” Hobson says. “It’s the same with wine.”

Read More: As the oldest wine-producing region in the country, New Mexico still holds plenty of surprises. Discover them winery by winery and glass by glass.