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A Ranch on the Ruidoso

A LONE MAN ON HORSEBACK crosses a dry wash, approaching a bare-bones ranch with a couple of shade trees. Before him, a broad chiaroscuro mosaic of rolling golden foothills, distant purple mountains…

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Tales of the Southwest

MANY BOOKSTORES throughout the state have a Southwest section. But Books of the Southwest, in the original Las Vegas, is completely devoted to the special category of used and rare regional…

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Brett Vaughn's Wild Adventures

A ROCKY INCLINE LEADING to a cloudless desert sky fills the screen. Then the video angle pans down to wilderness adventurer Brett Vaughn as he details his plans to climb the treacherous rock face with…

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Explore Abstract Art in Taos

LAUREN SMITH UNDERSTANDS and appreciates the history and significance of art in northern New Mexico. As co-founder of the Taos Abstract Artist Collective, she sees the nonprofit group of more than 200…

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