A massive, dark storm cloud hovers over an abandoned farmhouse and a barren field.


Don’t Get ComfortableAndy Jones

"Don’t get comfortable is the lesson I learned on my first real storm chase. On May 24, I met a friend for a storm chase. In the past, I had shot storms as they passed by or lightning as they approached, but on this occasion, I was going to actively be in pursuit of storms. He sent me a pin for a location north of Clovis and told me to be there. So twenty minutes later, I’m pulling up to this abandoned barn next to big open dirt fields for crops. But when I got out of the car, the wind was the biggest surprise. I chose to wear shorts that day—a big mistake. This giant storm was sucking air in at 65 mph, so every grain of dirt now felt like needles in my legs. I haven’t worn shorts on a storm chase since. This storm moved slowly and steadily, just growing and gathering strength. The wind and dirt being blown around were a big adjustment. I finally found a spot I liked where the recently harvested crop made cool lines right into the storm, and I snapped this quick three-panel panorama. We stayed at this location until my friend finally got service and informed me the area was under a tornado warning. That was our cue to leave." —Andy Jones

Abiquiú Dusk, Rob Lang


Abiquiú DuskRob Lang

"The photograph, Abiquiú Dusk, was taken in Abiquiú. I recently moved to Santa Fe full-time. I incorporate my body movements with the landscape to create the mystery of a place. I was driving to Abqiuiú for sunset, but the sun had already set by the time I reached Abiquiú. I decided to work through my late arrival to Abiquiú and photograph after sunset. I do not manipulate the picture in post-production but create in camera with light/speed and my movements." Rob Lang

The Wave, David Turning


The WaveDavid Turning

"I encountered this wave formation in the sand on a super windy day at White Sands National Park. I’d never seen the sand take on this shape before, and ten minutes later, the wind had blown that wave away. It was a fun day at the beach." —David Turning

Love and Light, Tim Baca


Love and Light, Tim Baca

Glowing Aspens and Dark Woods, Jory Vander Galien


Glowing Aspens and Dark Woods, Jory Vander Galien

"When fall comes, I am like a kid in a candy store. I get completely smitten by the fall color bug; it is my favorite time of year by far. I am always looking for strong abstract forest images with pockets of light or deep color that turn an eye. The way these aspen trunks glowed after sunset during my favorite kind of light, blue hour, just completely struck me while in the Santa Fe National Forest. The scene was so beautiful, striking, and haunting."—Jory Vander Galien


For the ninth consecutive year, Tularosa Basin Gallery of Photography, in Carrizozo, will host an exhibition featuring the winners. The opening weekend, January 25–26, includes artist appearances and refreshments. As the largest photo gallery in the state, Tularosa Basin Gallery features the work of more than 40 New Mexico photographers. The gallery is open Friday through Sunday and by appointment.