EAST MEETS WEST at the Inn of the Five Graces, a gorgeous Santa Fe getaway on the city’s oldest street that’s decorated with treasures from the ancient Silk Road. The sumptuous spa, embellished with vibrant handlaid tile mosaics, fireplaces, and fountains, offers luxurious treatments to elevate the spirit. Try a rejuvenating massage with Himalayan salt stones or a restorative facial with aromatic handcrafted oils. Don’t miss: Center the mind, balance the body, and expand the heart with the Inn of the Five Graces’s yoga and meditation classes. Take a private yoga class and pick up custom teachings on achieving a zen state of mind.
At Taos’s sumptuous El Monte Sagrado resort, an oasis of lush greenery and flowing water, the Living Spa provides a sanctuary for the soul. Innovative spa treatments include the Sacred Staurolite, which combines Taos healing stones with a turquoise mud wrap (named for the lavender and blue-chamomile essential oils used in the treatment), a hydrating mask, and reflexology for regenerating and rebalancing. The Sagrado High Desert blends a desert-salt exfoliation with a body wrap in ancient sea clay, a massage, and an aromatic application of cedarwood, sage, and butter cream. Don’t miss: Water never felt so good as it does at El Monte Sagrado, flowing through its stunning setting in waterfalls, ponds, and two hydrotherapy tubs. A saltwater pool offers a serene place to soak after a spa treatment.
Read more: These casino spas provide a relaxing respite from the gambling life.