Keeping garlic handy in the kitchen has never been easer. Photograph by Douglas Merriam.
YOU MIGHT NEVER THINK of peaches and garlic in the same sentence, much less the same recipe, but for Peaches Malmaud, it’s the perfect marriage. Her smiling face and ebullient demeanor at the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market have lured shoppers to sample her potent Dome Valley Garlic Oil for decades. “I love garlic because it is a six-month crop with few predators,” says the Placitas grower and maker. “I love the smell, love the taste, plus it has infinite uses in both cooking and medicine.” Chefs and home cooks splash it on bread, salads, pasta, and veggies, while health practitioners rub it on sore knees and elbows. I suggest halved peaches brushed with a blend of the oil and balsamic vinegar, charred on the grill, and tossed with greens and feta cheese.
Dome Valley Garlic Oil is sold throughout the state, including at La Montañita Co-ops; Santa Fe Olive Oil (which ships), in Santa Fe; Now We’re Cooking, in Albuquerque; and the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market.
Read More: Choose an unfamiliar ingredient on your next farmers’ market trip.