As a Santa Fean looking to take a vacation, ALAN HILL was intrigued by a recent piece of clickbait advertising on “Empty Alaska Cruises Departing from New Mexico that Seniors Can Book for Dirt Cheap,” the clunky copy read. “I am a senior and hope to book a cruise,” Hill says. “Hopefully, one that leaves from the Santa Fe River.” That’s taking the sea-nic route!
In 2003, DIANE ALWINE and her husband were planning to move from Pennsylvania to New Mexico and asked their car insurance company if they offered coverage in New Mexico. “We were told no,” she recalls. “So we asked what we were supposed to do for car insurance.” The agent advised, “Most people just park and walk across the border.”
As New Mexico’s primary election day approached in June, Albuquerque’s JESSICA GRAHAM received a helpful voting reminder from Facebook: “Jessica, get ready to vote in Mexico.” The alert also encouraged her to share the message with other people in Mexico. Sounds like foreign interference to us.
Former Burqueño KATE MATHEWS attended a photography exhibition at the Asheville Art Museum, in North Carolina, when Self-Portrait at White Sands, New Mexico caught her eye. “The shot was clearly taken at White Sands, the magnificent national park near Las Cruces,” she says. However, in the text on the accompanying label, the museum staff wrote that the photo was taken at Death Valley, California. “C’mon folks, the location was in the title!” Mathews laments.
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