One of Our Capital Cities is Missing
Len LaClair noticed that this Living Social email promoted a deal on a hotel located in Santa Fe, Arizona. That'd be a hard one to redeem.
Power Failure
A few years ago, Patrick Watson, of San Marcos, Texas, went to work as an industrial painter for a contractor doing a shutdown at a power plant in San Antonio. He told the contractor that he had a New Mexico driver's license and was told, "No problem, just show it at the gate on your first day to get an ID card."
When he showed his driver's license at the guardhouse, the woman asked him for his green card. Watson gave her a funny look, and said, "Lady, this is a New Mexico driver's license. I'm a United States citizen." She didn't believe him. Watson called the contractor, who in turn called the guard gate to assure them that New Mexico was indeed in the U.S.A.
¡Muchos Expatridos Aquí!
While at a travel agency in Granada Hills, California, Charles and Twilia Perry began chatting with an elderly woman about their travel plans. "Eventually, the subject rolled around to the retirement home we bought in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, and our plan to move there in four years." The woman commented that she had heard it was a good place for retirement. After a long pause, she asked if the Perrys would be living near other Americans in that town. To save face, they assured her that there were many American already living there. "My husband and I looked at each other," says Twilia, "knowing we had just been served out first "One of our 50 is Missing experience."
Office Space
After Charlotte Johnson completed a purchase at a Staples store in Londonberry, New Hampshire, the clerk asked her if she had a Staples card. After replying in the negative, Johnson turned to her husband and said, "We could get one, as we have a Staples store at home." The clerk asked where home was, and when Johnson told her Las Cruces, New Mexico, she said, "I heard we went global!"