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The Mystery of Big Jim
A 10-year effort to restore one of New Mexico’s most distinctive chiles underscores how memory thrives in our taste buds.
José Gonzalez: The Allure of Chile Farming
Although he's tried other jobs, José Gonzalez keeps coming back to the farm where his family grows chiles, corn, beans and more.
The Ultimate New Mexico Chile Tasting Guide
We asked two experts to describe the flavors of New Mexico’s best chile varieties.
More Than Just Salsa
Capsaicin does more than make chile hot, it is used in medicinal creams, bear repellent and in foods to give captive birds and fish a reddish hue.
The Making of Chile U
One of the only scientific institutions devoted to a so-called condiment flourishes in Las Cruces.
Matt Romero: The Chile Roaster
Rooted in family history, Matt Romero brings that heavenly scent and his special flair to the Santa Fe Farmers' Market.
Rooted in Native Soil
Chile holds a very special place in the traditional foods of Southwest tribes.
Nick Maryol: Feeding the Soul
The owner of Santa Fe's Tia Sophia's, Nick Maryol understands how food creates ties to our families, our history and our culture.
Mix and Hatch
Does chile go with everything? Mmmmmmaybe.
Take Your Pick
At Big Jim Farms, in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, you can hand pick your chiles right from the field.
Danise Coon: Researching New Varieties
With roots on the farm, Danise Coon helps develop new varieties at the Chile Pepper Institute.
Preston Mitchell: Bringing New Mexico Chile to the World
The entrepreneur behind Hatch Chile Store has taken his great-great grandfather's legacy and grown it into a global craze.
Make Your Own Ristra
The ristra is iconic decor, but it's also a pantry on a string.
Chile Sauce 101
Newbies can gets started with red and green sauce with these recipes from The Best from New Mexico Kitchens.
Rocket Fuel
The first fruit on Mars just might be New Mexico chile.
Chile by the Numbers
Here's everything you want to know about the New Mexico chile pepper—from the Scoville scale and the number of species to chile's spicy economic benefit.