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Elaine Ritchel
Elaine Ritchel

A Guide to Santa Fe Art

Keep Contemporary in Santa Fe caters to art enthusiasts who are looking for something fun, fresh, and unexpected. THE FIRST TIME I STEPPED into Art House, one of the many galleries in Santa Fe’s famed…

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A Catalyst for Art

Above: Visitors check out the Museum of Art's alcove offerings. Courtesy New Mexico of Art. ON A SWELTERING SUMMER AFTERNOON, I find refuge in a cool upstairs gallery of the New Mexico Museum of Art…

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Stories in Stone

Hayes Leekya's bear fetish, Enrike Leekya's elk, Sara Leekya's white fox, and Delvin Leekya's frog on display at Keshi, the Zuni Connection in Santa Fe. Photography by Inga Hendrickson. EVERY FETISH…

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Santa Fe Freestyle

Above: A barrel vault ceiling adds a playful curve to the roofline, while its clerestory window lends a monastic effect. WHEN I THINK ABOUT MY VISIT to Santa Fe architect Beverley Spears’ home, the…

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