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First Person, Airborne

THE GRIZZLE-ALLISON FAMILY FARMS, where the three sons grew up, were situated in eastern New Mexico, about 30 miles south of Roswell, a city of about 40,000 people in the 1940s, near the small town of…

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Written on the Landscape

IN ENCOUNTERING ROCK ART, the initial impact is the image itself. How do we understand the meaning behind the diverse life forms and abstract designs painted and carved throughout the arid landscapes…

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On the Lookout

A STATUE OF LUCIEN B. MAXWELL—seated, rifle across his legs—keeps watch over the northwest corner of Cimarrón Park. One of the largest contiguous landowners in United States history, Maxwell once…

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How Roswell Got a Moon Rock

A SMALL HUNK OF ROCK from the moon’s Taurus–Littrow Valley sits on display at the Roswell Museum as a tribute to Robert H. Goddard’s early work in rocket propulsion. A New England native, Goddard…

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Route 66 Motels Lost to History

THEIR NEON SIGNS BLAZED a trail for weary Route 66 travelers for decades, promising a clean room in an auto court with modern amenities like air-conditioning and hot and cold running water. While many…

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Branded with History

ON THE SOUTH AND WEST DOORS of the 1892 Eddy County Courthouse, in Carlsbad, 211 cattle brands recognize ranches across southeast New Mexico and other parts of the U.S. Southwest. “They’re definitely…

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What We're Reading: The Lost Tomb

IN 1986, DOUGLAS PRESTON drove from New York City to Santa Fe. There, he settled into a writing career that included contributions to New Mexico Magazine. His 1995 New Yorker article, “The Mystery of…

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