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Experience Big Room Magic

CARLSBAD CAVERNS IS UNIQUE for the rock that it occupies and how it formed. Most caves form from the top down, but sulfuric acid helped create these from the bottom up. A few factors had to combine to…

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Explore Lechuguilla Cave

A CAVERS’ MAP IS DOTTED WITH QUESTION MARKS, indicating where other cavers have spotted a crack or crevasse that offers a possible unexplored passage. Some become impassably small. Some dead-end in…

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The Feather and the Cellphone

MY COMPANIONS AND I LABORED THROUGH DEEP SNOW for 15 long minutes—and this after driving through two-foot-deep drifts on the way up to the caldera on a frigid February evening. Now, as we trudged on…

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Monumental Effort

"LET'S GO RIDE SOME DITCHES," Matt Mason says. We pedal through downtown Las Cruces and quickly turn off the pavement onto a dirt path alongside a dry irrigation ditch. For a few minutes I wonder if…

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Trek Back Through Time

IF PEOPLE HAD BEEN THERE TO SEE IT—and there’s a chance Ancestral Acoma or Zuni people were—lava flowing across what’s now El Malpais National Monument might have looked a little like a dark ocean…

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