To nominate your True Hero, click the link below:


NEW MEXICANS ARE KNOWN FOR their resilience and compassion. From volunteers and philanthropists to healthcare workers and educators, many individuals went above and beyond to serve their communities during the past 12 months.

Now it's time to recognize those exceptional individuals who have made a difference in our state. The New Mexico Magazine True Heroes Awards, presented in December 2024, will honor these deserving individuals.

Do you know a volunteer or philanthropist who has helped those in need? An innovator who created change in their community? A healthcare worker who has gone above and beyond to care for patients? An educator who has helped students overcome adversity? Nominate them today for the True Heroes Awards!

Nominations are open now through June 30, 2024. Ten winners will be featured in New Mexico Magazine's December 2024 issue. Please note, to be eligible, the nominee's service must have taken place between July 2023 and June 2024. For more information, please contact Anna Maria Gonzales at or 505-469-9592.

True Heroes sponsors include KOB TV4, New Mexico Aging & Long-Term Services Department, and New Mexico Tourism Department.

See New Mexico Magazine's 2020 True Heroes2021 True Heroes2022 True Heroes, and 2023 True Heroes