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Storytellers | September 2017

ASHLEY M. BINGERS Poetry in Motion Contributing writer Ashley M. Biggers has explored every corner of the state writing for the likes of Alaska Airlines’ Beyond and, among others. Her…

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September In New Mexico

Above: Steamroller-size art at the Southwest Print Fiesta. Photography by Jay Hemphill. SOLE-FUL Using yucca fiber, animal sinew, and hides from buffalo, elk, and deer, Native peoples for centuries…

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Valle Vidal – The Valley of Life

Above: Jesse Martinez, a third-generation Valle Vidal stalwart, points out landmarks to the south. JESSE MARTINEZ RIDES A GOOD HORSE. One that holds steady when he flushes a stampede of elk from an…

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Agro-Tourism And Hands-On Fun

Above: Horses at the Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum. THE BUSINESS OF BERRIES There’s a reason hordes of people are willing to pay to play farm laborer for the day: It’s pure bliss. Well, maybe not the…

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Recipe: Apple Crisp Pie

From “Bounty Hunting” article in the September 2017 issue. Apple Crisp Pie Serves 8 For crumb topping: 3/4 cup flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 3/4 cup brown sugar 3/4 cup oatmeal (regular, not…

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