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Rocky Durham

Early-Bird Breakfast

When the birds call, answer. But don't forget to pack a picnic breakfast of green-chile pastries and blue-corn muffins for your migration. Photography by Douglas Merriam Some say that native New…

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Spice of Life

Salsa: It's not just for tomatoes anymore! Chef Rocky Durham experiments with such ingredients as pineapple, cucumber, and strawberries in these surprising summer sauces. Photography by Douglas…

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Heavenly Cooking

In honor of May's Feast Day of San Pasqual, patron saint of cooks and shepherds, Rocky Durham serves up New Mexico lamb recipes. Photography by Douglas Merriam | Illustration by Victoria de Almeida If…

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Good Things, Small Packages

New Mexicans have many ways to enjoy the holidays through our unique food and drink. One of our gifts to you this holiday season is a recipe for making an adobe gingerbread house from our December…

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Good Things, Small Packages

DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON, many New Mexican families gather for a tamalada (a tamale-making party). Because tamales can be quite labor-intensive to make, families create assembly lines with each…

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